Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 7/20-7/27)

What I accomplished the past week:
I have been able to add the teacher and student features on the website. Users can now register as either a public user or as a student. A student user will be able to register a class based off of a list of classes. This type of registration does not need any email addresses. Only public users are able to create classes, while both public and student users can register in multiple classes. Users have a main page where they manage all of their classes. Finally, I have been able to port my code over to a Linux machine given by Ben Shippe.

The website is located on <http://shippb.stu.rpi.edu/csdt>. This is still in testing mode and not ready for production yet.

What I plan to do next week:
I plan to continue fixing up the bugs that are occurring due to porting my code over to the Linux machine. These include fixing up the sending of email through SMTP and fixing up the registration process so that people have to enter in valid things in the text fields. Moreover, I will continue attempting to port my code over to the production server.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 7/13-7/20)

What I accomplished the past week:
I have been able to get the code ready for testing on the production server. To do this, I had to integrate the code with my own Apache web server. Finally, I had to change databases from PostgreSQL to MySQL.

What I plan to do next week:
I plan to work with Jay on getting the code transitioned to the production server.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 7/06-7/13)

What I accomplished the past week:
Users that are logged in are now the only ones who can upload, or view their profiles; otherwise, unregistered users will be brought to a login screen. Sessions are now destroyed once a user logs out. The registering web page has undergone another revision. Whenever a user enters in his/her first and last name, the username is automatically populated with the "First Name.Last Name" as the default username. The "Check for Availability" button under the username is now functioning. Finally, I have added a password strength bar to tell the user the strength of their password chosen.

What I plan to do next week:
I will get the website transitioned onto the production server. There are three things that first must happen: I first have to implement the confirmation email option; Secondly, I have to create a Makefile to install and to configure the environment on the Apache Server to run Pyramid; Lastly, I have to work with Jay on getting the code transitioned to the production server.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 6/29-7/06)

What I accomplished the past week:
I have been able to implement sessions, fix the upload button, and get the login screen operational. Moreover, I have been working on getting the website over to an Apache server on my machine.

What I plan to do next week:
I will start building web pages for users who are logged in and I will continue working on transitioning the Pyramid framework onto an Apache server.
