Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 6/15-6/29)

What I accomplished the past week:
I have redesigned the original website shown 2 weeks ago with a new CSS layout; the original one did not seem to match the goal of the community website. The website has also been transitioned from a PHP-based architecture to Python's Pyramid MVC-like framework. Moreover, I have switched to the PostgreSQL database due to concerns of MySQL's viability as an open source project. The user registration functionality is set-up and it is now integrated with the new database. The login screen can recognize a username and password when a user enters one.

What I plan to do next week:
I will continue working on implementing sessions throughout the entire website. Moreover, I will continue working on fixing the login screen.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 6/8-6/15)

What I accomplished the past week:
I have made a basic mockup of how all of the projects uploaded to the community site will be displayed. This is done using jqGrid as well as a mySQL backend database. I have also added the upload button capacity directly on the website. Finally, I introduced a CSS template background for the site.

What I plan to do next week:
I plan to link each entry in the projects table to their respective java applet. Thus, it will allow the user a chance to view those project live. Secondly, I am trying to get the user login and tables integrated with the site.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 6/1-6/8)

What I accomplished the past week:
I began integrating the database schema received from Josh last week with the CSDT community website. I am still exploring the capabilities of it and seeing what things might need to be added. I also created my own database schema to handle the uploaded data. I was able to successfully set up the NetBeans environment with the programming files on my Windows platform. However, the first attempt on my 64 bit Fedora OS failed. In addition, I started to redesign the source tree of the CSDT community website, and I looked into the GUI.java file in the Core project to find a good place to add the upload button.

What I plan to do next week:
I will begin making the PHP page that will be used to display the results of all of the projects. This page will hedge on jqGrid to display the various projects. I will also begin to look into adding an upload button into the menu option of each program file.

Should the CSDT community website support flashed based programs? If so, I will need access to the source code.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 5/25-6/01)

What I accomplished the past week:
I was able to get the database schema from Josh on Tuesday night. I have downloaded the core project from the code repository. I am setting up the NetBeans environment for the core project and reading the documentation. I am also studying the GUIBuilder that I will need to add the upload button.

What I plan to do next week:
I will start looking into the database schema. I will continue understanding the core project as well as how my additions interfaces with the core. I will also be integrating the database schema with the PHP CSDT community website.

Java is complex and has many components that I needed to look over. This will start slowly, but hopefully progress will speed up over the coming weeks.