Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Progress Report (Week of 2/15-2/22)

There has been no significant progress this week. I have been working on completing my thesis before the beginning of March. I should be able to make more progress next week.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Progres Report (Week of 2/08-2/15)

What I accomplished the past week:
The teachers flagged comments table is operational; all flagged comments will appear within that new table. The accept and list of users who flagged that particular comment button is now operational.

What I plan to do next week:
I plan to set up the feature to allow teachers the option of moderating comments or to allow users to moderate their own comments.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Progress Report (Week of 2/01-2/08)

What I accomplished the past week:
The flag option on comments is now operational. That comment will now be sent to the teacher for further review, with the user who decided to flag it. The teacher will have the option of removing that comment, or just leaving it as is.

What I plan to do next week:
I plan to continue fixing up the comments and then working on adding the delete button to other places within the system.
