Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Progress Report (Week of 5/18-5/25)

What I accomplished the past week:
I was able to develop a preliminary plan on attacking the upload option. I began exploring the PHP code some more, and realized that it needs a database schema. I am currently in the process of getting the schema back.

What I plan to do next week:
I will continue developing the upload option plan and discuss with you the merits of it.

The database schema is not there. Josh is working on getting the schema for us.

CSDT - Upload Preliminary Project Plan

1) Create an upload button on each project application
  1.1) The upload button functions by saving the desired project onto the web server instead of onto a user's machine
  1.2) The .sol extension format will be used to store the data for the projects
  1.3) The upload button will be placed next to the save button, which is already implemented on most project applications
  1.4) When a user clicks the upload button, they will be greeted with a prompt about having to first login
2) The .sol files will be stored on the web server and the document location will be based off the project's name
  2.2) Each .sol file will have unique project identifiers
    2.2.1) Username
    2.2.2) Any name the user desires
    2.2.3) Project application type
3) A database will be used to store the filename of the uploaded .sol files, and various other project attributes (to be determined).
4) On the community site, the user will have the option of choosing which type of projects they want to see given the application used to make it
5) Thumbnails of each project will be shown to allow users a chance to view a project and some details without having to click the link
6) When a user decides to view a project, that project is downloaded to the user's browser
  6.1) After the user leaves, the project is then removed (this is considered the demo mode)
7) There is a download option on each project page, which will allow a user to download a project directly to their browser
8) The details of the CSDT community site for upload are still TBD

1) How do we organize the uploaded projects?
2) Public, private, or group privaleges for the uploaded file documents?
3) How are we going to access the projects? Should they be downloaded to the user and read from there? Or should it be read from the server?
4) Can we generate a thumbnail from the extensions (.sol, .xml, .ani)?
5) Should .sol be the standard project file format for uploading?

1) No standard of saving projects. (.xml, .sol, .ani)
2) Do we need to verify uploaded file is a valid project file?

Appendix: Detail look at projects and their option on saving

1) African Fractals
Cannot view the java applet applications

2) Mangbetu Design:
Saves in .sol format


3) Hexastrip Weaving
No programming application

4) Cornrow Curves
Cannot view the java applet applications

5) Graffiti Grapher:
Saves in .sol file

They are writing through flash

New File Added:

6) Break Dancer - Dance Simulation:
Saves in .ani format

7) Virtual Bead Loom:
Saves in .sol format


8) Pacific Northwest Basket Weaver
Does not allow save option

9) Navajo Rug Weaver
Saves in .sol format
Bug in saving the path. - Saved as myprojf, but does not recognize the path. However, there is a file saved with a different name.


10) Anishinaabe Arcs
Cannot view the java applet applications

11) Yupik Star Navigator
Does not allow save option

12) Yupik Parka Patterns
Saves in .sol format


13) SimShoBan
No programming application

14) Pre-Columbian Pyramids
Saves in .sol format

2D Pyramid Builder

3D Pyramid Builder

15) Rhythm Wheels
No programming application

.sol extension = Adobe Flash Player Shared Objects
.ani extension = Store default Window animated cursors